Go to Control Panel and double-click on Sounds for a list of sounds. 进入“控制面板”双击“语音”图标就能看到所有的声音选项。
For a list of bids, this will be two items for comparison. 对于出价列表,有两个可以比较的物品。
For example, Listing 3. shows the HTML markup for a list of hyperlinks. 例如,清单3所示的超链接列表的HTML代码。
The Ruleset is essentially a container for a list of Match objects. Ruleset实质上是一个用于Match对象列表的容器。
This is a request for a list of all the folders in the directory/ dougtidwell. 这是一个要求列出/dougtidwell目录中的所有文件夹的请求。
For example, asking a server for a list of shares relies on connecting to the IPC$ share. 例如,向服务器请求获得一个共享清单时,必须连接到IPC$共享。
For a list of configuration options, type./ configure& help. (输入./configure&help可以看到配置选项的列表)。
I'll create a new rule to ask for a list of valid states. 我需要创建一个新的规则获取有效状态列表。
The first command looks for a list of the Samba processes. 第一个命令查找Samba进程列表。
It simply makes a request back to the server for a list of photos rendered as JSON. 它仅仅向服务器请求一个JSON形式的照片列表。
Currently, Castor supports only two values here: vector for list types, and array for array types. Castor当前只支持两个值:vector(代表列表类型)和array(代表数组类型)。
See Appendix A for a list of the available domains and their namespaces and schema files. 查看附录A以得到可用域及它们的名字域和方案文件。
This method parses the returned JSON for the list of friends. 该方法解析返回的好友列表JSON。
The rich and powerful Scheme language is wonderful for list manipulation and is easy to understand and grasp. 丰富而强大的Scheme语言极其适用于列表处理,而且易于理解和掌握。
Once you complete these steps, you can write a client that asks for a list of all web services supported by this server, select one of those services, and invoke it. 一旦您完成了这些步骤,您就可以编写一个客户机(它请求这台服务器所支持的所有Web服务的列表),选择其中的一个服务并调用它。
Ask for a list of the capabilities each offers and compare that against your own required capabilities list. 向供应商索要一份其提供的功能的列表,并将其与您自己所需的功能的列表进行比较。
A language designed for list manipulation 为列表操作设计的语言
For a list of all server and client utilities, see the Resources section. 有关所有服务器和客户端实用工具的列表,请参阅参考资料部分。
FRS contains the expected outputs for list of inputs for each function of the software. FRS包含针对每项软件功能的输入的预期输出。
Inside of the div, it will search through all unordered lists(), returning the first list item() for each list. 在div中,它将搜索所有无序列表(),返回每个列表的第一个列表项()。
See the GCC site for a list of supported CPU types. 查看GCC站点获得支持的CPU类型的列表。
See Resources for a list of text editors with different levels of Sass syntax highlighting support. 请参见参考资料部分,了解具有不同级别Sass语法突出显示支持的文本编辑器的列表。
For complete list of flags and options of EFS commands, see the Resources section. EFS命令标志和选项的完整列表,请参见参考资料部分。
This also works for the list of artifact types in the "Filter by artifact type" control. 这同样适用于“Filterbyartifacttype”控制中工件类型的列表。
For a list of major machine-independent changes, visit the OpenBSD site. 有关独立于机器的主要更改的列表,请访问OpenBSD站点。
For the list of DB2 Express-C forums and groups please refer to the Resource section of this article. DB2Express-C论坛和用户组的列表见本文的参考资料部分。
Like any list implementation, you need a list head that serves as the anchor for the list. 与其他列表实现一样,需要一个列表头来充当列表的锚点。
The resource for list of roles within an application is/ p8/ bpm/ v1/ appspaces/ { appspace}/ myroles. 应用程序中角色清单的资源是/p8/bpm/v1/appspaces/{appspace}/myroles。
We show you our entire ListBox widget class ( cleaned up for presentation purposes, of course). This gives you an idea of the many methods we've found useful for manipulating list boxes. 我们向您显示了完整的ListBox窗口小部件类(当然,为了便于显示,这些类已经清除了),这使您可以了解我们已经发现的对操作列表框有用的许多方法。
For this list to be populated, your broker must be started and connected. 对于这个将要填充的列表,必须启动和连接您的代理。